4IR Oceanography
Another area of development that has occurred in the last year is what we call 4IR Oceanography. This is based on the need to disrupt conventions in ocean science and to create exponential changes to the way we live, work, and relate to our ocean and to have a better understanding of its systems.
We are committed to creating new and effective ways of collecting data to populate models for ocean circulation, chemistry, and climate change. The ocean is the major controller of the climate on the earth. More heat is stored in the 1st meter of the ocean than in the entire atmosphere.
P2P began in this area 2 years ago when Pete Rive traveled with us to Kanton Island to install temperature loggers as an El Nino was on setting. That project was supported by Deep Green and the subject of an ECONOMIST documentary, released in 2020. Seeing how primitive ocean sensing was, he took lessons learned from P2P and developed a business non/profit hybrid organization to enable the better collection of shallow-water coral reef data. Pete said it was like bringing "modern medicine to the medieval era." The company is called Aqua-Link and is an example of P2P collaboration and 4IR oceanography. This is an example of our strategy -- to create models that work and are scaled or copied by citizen scientists to collect more and effective ocean data. Some might call it an impact company.
AltaSea at the Port of Los Angeles is dedicated to accelerating scientific collaboration, advancing an emerging blue economy through business innovation and job creation, and inspiring the next generation, all for a more sustainable, just, and equitable world. Dr. Stone was just appointed ambassador for this significant forward-looking organization. Please click on this link for the online lecture Dr. Stone gave with AltaSea.